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Business web hosting is no longer a matter of picking the first affordable web hosting company you come across. Your effort would be better applied to finding a great web hosting company based on features. Do not be fooled into thinking that all web hosting companies are the same because they are very different. Don't sacrifice the good quality web page hosting services in pursuit of low cost web hosting for your business.
When cheap web hosting is an absolute necessity many businesses have trusted HostNine web hosting over the years. HostNine offers a bare basics budget hosting plan that includes 5 GB of disk space and 100 GB of bandwidth along with a free web site builder. It is also possible to buy 750 GB of dedicated web hosting from HostNine if this fits your needs.
When you are ready to be impressed you need to check out JumpLaunch and their offer of unlimited disk space and bandwidth as well as hosting for unlimited domains. FrontPage web hosting is another great feature not to be overshadowed by a free domain name and free setup.
ImHosted web hosting offers reseller web hosting opportunities, a free domain name, free support online via chat and email as well as phone support 24/7 and unlimited bandwidth and disk space. The services offered by ImHosted and FastDomain web hosting are very much alike. FastDomain hosting also offers impressive features like free building tools for web pages, free set up, a free domain name, and unlimited bandwidth and disk space.
At the same time, WebHostingPad hosting brings a new set of standards to the table. In addition to an excellent ecommerce web hosting package, you also have the chance to gain free web hosting for up to 6 months, unlimited disk space and bandwidth, and a free domain name. When you consider all of these great things in one package and combine them with solid customer support it should come as no surprise that WebHostingPad hosting is so popular.
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